
Thank you for visiting the fall exhibition!

The autumn exhibition ended on October 3rd.

This time, I was unable to send you a DM due to childcare.

Although we did not have many regular visitors, we were able to meet many new visitors.

More people than I expected receive hair accessories from their wives.

I will continue to create more and more wonderful hair accessories! !

We renewed our vows.

Well, isn't it too late to update this blog?

I apologize to those who thought so. That's exactly right.

Immediately after the exhibition ended...from my son (nursery school student)

I got strep throat...

I had the worst sore throat ever and couldn't eat at all, and it became difficult to breathe.

My body became stiff, so I called an ambulance and went straight to the night emergency room.

No... it was pretty tough, strep throat...

A characteristic of streptococcus is that after the symptoms have subsided, the skin on the hands and fingers peels off.

Right now, the skin on my fingers is peeling off.

I experienced firsthand the horror of terrible bacteria.

I definitely don't want to take it again.

When I receive an infectious disease alarm SM from the nursery school, I get scared.

I received 3 emails in a row today.

(Streptococcus, sudden rash, influenza...)

My son... you'll get stronger by receiving the bacteria... but... please don't pass it on...

My strep throat was mild.

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